On Amazon US my score for helpful reviews has hit 666, the Devil’s Number.
Will someone please go in and register a helpful vote to get me off the dreaded number 666!And while you are there, check out the first review which has scored 2 helfpul votes out of 8 people who voted. See if you can find what is unhelpful about it? There is a hint in the comment that I added recently. By the way, if I go in to edit the review the count re-starts. I lost a lot of votes when I decided that I could not leave a major typo in a review that had many helpful votes.
Mostly readers tend to give positive votes, presumably they just stop reading and move on without voting if they don’t find the review interesting. There are a few exceptions where clearly people have voted on party lines.
This is the most interesting one, David Stove’s attack on Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend. 41 of 75!
The Liberal Conspiracy 9 out of 14 helpful.
Straw Dogs 59 of 85.
The Fatal Conceit 23 of 39.
The Sociological Imagination 11 of 19.
Why the superstition?
Rafe, I fixed it for you.
I thought your criticism of John Gray’s ‘Straw Dogs’ was a bullseye , I find his stance, in this book, unbearably obtuse. You pretty much wrote everything I wanted to say. Good work.